NTU School of Computer Science & Engineering

CDO – Computer Workshop Series for Seniors

by admin / January 17, 2015


Dear SCE-ians,

Our club has recently held a 6 week workshop for senior citizens to learn the basics of using a computer with internet. The workshop included lessons like how to use paint, sending an email and many other basic lessons.

The workshop was conducted purely in Chinese in hopes to be able to communicate better with the Chinese elderly in Taman Jurong CC. But since the response we had was quite good, we do have some plans in making a dual language class where we can communicate in both English and Chinese so that we are able to open the workshop up to more people.

On the first and second week we taught the seniors on the most basics of using a computer and also going through the installation of certain softwares that we will be using throughout the workshop

On the third week, we had lessons on how to use a digital writing pad to insert characters into the keyboard. As some of the seniors were not very well trained in using a keyboard, they found it more convenient to be able to write characters directly into the computer.

Using the software and the digital writing pad to enter characters

On the fourth week, we taught the seniors on how to connect to the internet via Wi-Fi and also the basics of sending an email using their personal laptops

On the fifth week, the seniors we taught on how to use Skype as a instant messenger and also a way to contact their loved ones through video calls. It was also the final lesson workshop as we have a mini-competition on the sixth week which tested on the knowledge which they have learnt so far. At the end of the fifth lesson, the instructors gave the seniors a refresh on all the lessons which they have learnt so far.

On our last week of the workshop, a mini-competition was held. We had 5 different mini-games station which consisted of games that required skills of all the lessons that was taught to them throughout the workshop. The person who is able to complete all the games in the shortest time would be the winner of the competition.

After which, a prize ceremony presentation was held and a certificate of appreciation was given out to all the helpers who were present throughout the workshop. A digital writing pad was also given out to all the senior citizens who attended this workshop.

A token of appreciation was also given to the teachers who were presenting the lessons to the seniors by our club president. Kudos to them for sharing their knowledge!

The whole workshop was a fun process for both the students and the teachers. We would like to thank all students that were able to give their free time to help out in such workshops. We also would like to encourage more students to attend and help out in such workshops, to be able to give back to our community.

Check out the works done by the students of the workshop:

If you would like to check out more photos of the workshop, do head over to our facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/cec.ntu/photos_stream?tab=photos_albums

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